Southern California Pomeranian Rescue®
Southern California Pomeranian Rescue®
Dear Doggie Lovers,
Did you know that SCPR is all volunteer-run and the majority of our work is paid for by individual contributions? We are not funded by the state, city, or federal government. We could not do what we do without the generous support of the public.
When you donate, you are helping us build back our medical fund that was used to help the animals we rescued over the past 12 months. Imagine the cost of taking your dog to the vet everyday x 10. We get a small 10%- 15% discount as a rescue; however, the cost is huge.
Southern California Pomeranian Rescue was recognized in 2009 as a 501(c)3 non-profit. We provide medical and rehabilitative care to more than 20 sick, injured, and abandoned animals daily, while they await their forever home.
Above are pictures of the doggies that have received the care they needed in 2023.
Thank you for your support!
Southern California Pomeranian Rescue is an all-volunteer group. We do not have a shelter; therefore, all of our dogs are in private foster homes throughout the Southern California area.
Our Pomeranians come to us primarily from local shelters, owners, or breeders who can no longer care for them. Working with the City of Angels Pomeranian Club we are hoping to save as many Pomeranians from euthanasia and abandonment as we can.
More information about the breed can be found on the About Pomeranians page. Pomeranians that we rescue are screened to the best of our ability, for behavioral issues and health problems before being made available for adoption.
Behavioral screening means that we check to see if they get along with kids, the elderly, cats, dogs, and other animals. It also entails checking to see if they nip, are scared of fast movement, are jumpy, don't like to be touched in certain ways, chew excessively, etc.
Medical screening means that we have them current on vaccines, free of parasites and communicable diseases, treated for pre-existing conditions, and declared healthy within manageable limits.
Why do we ask for a donation when you adopt a rescued Pomeranian?
The adoption donation is used to partially recover the costs involved in rescuing. These costs include but are not limited to, shelter fees, spay/neuter, food, housing, vaccinations, de-worming, microchip, and any vet exams or medical care that the dog may have required. We would not have been able to save the life of the dog you are interested in without the adoption donation from another that came before him/her.
How to adopt from Southern California Pomeranian Rescue
Thank you for considering one of our doggies! We are currently not set up to do out-of-state adoptions. Please only apply if you are located in Southern California.
The adoptionl process is quite simple. The first step is to fill out an adoption application; the second step is to schedule a home visit which can partially be done by video (we do however have to physically bring the dog to your location and see the backyard if applicable). If all goes well, we will leave the dog with you for a trial adoption to make sure the dog is happy and you are happy. We will have you sign the adoption contract and provide us with the adoption fee. These items are held until the trial adoption is completed.
If the doggy is getting along well, and you decide to make the adoption final we will send you the paperwork and a copy of your contract. Once the adoption has been finalized and a situation occurs where you can no longer keep the doggy, we require the dog to be returned to us and the adoption fee is not refunded.
If the trial adoption does not work out, we will collect the dog and refund your adoption fee.
How to Contact Southern California Pomeranian Rescue (SCPR)
Address (MAIL ONLY):
Southern California Pomeranian Rescue
14252 Culver Drive, Suite A-281
Irvine, CA 92604
Southern California Pomeranian Rescue is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization. As a non-profit, we rely on the generosity of dog lovers to assist us in continuing our mission of saving dogs in need. If you would like to make a donation, please use the button below. Donations are gratefully accepted!
A Special Thank You To:
Warner Pet, Los Angeles, CA
Camino Pet Hospital, Irvine, CA
Cozycroft, Los Angeles, CA
Dr. Balfour, Los Angeles, CA (orthopedic)
Dr. Cole, CA (Cardiology)
Dr. Rackeer, CA (Internist)
Remember, if a dog were your teacher you would learn things like:
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
Take naps.
Stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had enough.
Be loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.
Being always grateful for each new day and for the blessing of you.
A howl can mean many things, from happiness to sad.
He howls when alone and hurt or overall just mad.
You scold him when he acts this way, tells him that he's bad.
But when you look deep in his eyes, you see that he's just glad.
When your around, he can't hold back, filled with so much joy.
You finally realize, he's more than just a toy.
Cradled in your swaying arms, a tear falls to his nose.
You realize, right then and there, your the one he chose.
So think next time you scold your dog for all his calls and cries.
You'll long to hear him once again, in time for last good bye's.
~Alice Bennett
In early youth I made a vow
That if to Cupid I should bow,
The one for whom he aimed the dart
At my desired, unclaimed heart,
Must have brown eyes; large, soft brown eyes.
Time came when eyes looked into mine;
Large, soft brown eyes that seemed to shine
With intellect. Did I succumb?
Oh yes! for though the lips were dumb,
Those lovely eyes I deemed a prize.
Within their depths devotion shone,
And as they gazed into my own,
They seemed to say, "My love is thine.
Please let me know that I have thine."
And Oh! I knew his heart was true.
My arms his snowy neck entwined,
And I rejoiced a love to find
So worshipful, so constant, true.
How oft they've thrilled me through and through,
My collie's wise, large, soft brown eyes!
We have a secret, you and I,
That no one else shall know,
For who, but I can see you lie,
Each night, in fireglow?
And who but I can reach my hand
Before we go to bed,
And feel the living warmth of you
And touch your silken head?
And only I walk woodland paths,
And see, ahead of me,
Your small form racing wit the wind,
So young again, and free.
And only I can see you swim
In every brook I pass.
And, when I call, no one but I
Can see the bending grass.
~Author Unknown
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